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The state of agriculture in Pennsylvania

The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly affected farming over the past two years.

By Scott LaMar/WITF

York farm’s mobile market brings fresh produce to food-insecure neighborhoods

York Fresh Food Farms received urban agriculture grants and COVID-19 relief funds to expand their infrastructure.

By Gabriela Martínez/WITF

Pa.’s agriculture secretary confronted about past opposition to cutting horse racing subsidies

In 2017, he opposed a $27 million cut, but now backs governor's plan to shift $200 million away from fund supporting horse farms and tracks
By Ed Mahon/Spotlight PA

Smart Talk Road Trip to Pa. Farm Show

Agriculture has been described as Pennsylvania’s number one industry because it has such an economic and cultural impact on the state. So, any change in policy, the economy, weather and climate or consumer tastes affects Pennsylvanians.

By Scott LaMar/WITF