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tag | Pennsylvania Department of Aging

State lawmakers question secrecy around how abuse or neglect of older adults is investigated

“The public needs to know. The public deserves to know. The public has a right to know.”

By Marc Levy/The Associated Press

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Pennsylvania Dept. of Aging creates new unit to investigate elder financial abuse

The Pennsylvania Department of Aging’s new financial abuse specialist team hopes to protect the elderly from financial abuse.

By Sarah Boden/WESA

State presses Philadelphia agency over elder abuse, neglect

Gov. Tom Wolf’s administration became so concerned about how three cases of neglect or abuse of older people were handled in Philadelphia that it is ordering improvements at an agency there.

By Marc Levy/The Associated Press

Forced to compete for COVID-19 vaccines, some older people in Pa. are struggling to book appointments

Social media networks and online research skills give some younger people an edge, even as older people overall face higher risk of hospitalization and death.

By Brett Sholtis

State Department of Aging offers older Pennsylvanians new resources to arrange COVID-19 vaccinations

The state’s Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly, or PACE, is a low-cost prescription program for older adults; it has launched a dedicated unit at its Harrisburg-based call center to help its 275,000 cardholders arrange vaccination appointments.

By Kiley Koscinski/WESA