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tag | American Lung Association

Harrisburg, Lancaster get F grades for air pollution

Harrisburg earned an F for year-round particle pollution and ranked 37th-worst in the country for that measure.

By Rachel McDevitt/StateImpact Pennsylvania

Zero emission trucks would make Central Pa. healthier; Asthma prevalent in Harrisburg region

Burton indicated it’s important for clean air and health to get older, dirtier trucks off the road,

By Scott LaMar/WITF

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Central Pa. gets mixed grades in “State-of-the-Air” report

Lancaster and Dauphin Counties got F grades in particle pollution while Cumberland County was graded with a D.

By Scott LaMar/WITF

Lung Association gives Pa. failing grades in reducing tobacco use

American Lung Association's 2022 Report Card
By Scott LaMar/WITF

Radon gas is dangerous and extremely common in Pennsylvania, causing a significant health risk

Radon gas is a byproduct of naturally-occurring uranium as the element breaks down underground, then enters through cracks or leaks in a home or building foundation.

By Merideth Bucher/WITF