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Boots to Health, working to improve veterans overall health

A nonprofit organization is working to improve the lives of veterans. The Boots to Health Foundation offers life coaching, fitness, training, and nutrition coaching to veterans at no cost.

Logan Spiewak is the co-founder and Executive Director of Boots for Health Foundation. Spiewak, a proud Marine Corps Veteran, struggled significantly when he was discharged from the military.

“My discharge was terrible. I was making a lot of poor decisions, and I was doing things that got me in a lot of trouble.”

Spiewalk consistently went to the gym once he was discharged to escape reality and met Don Trott. Trott is also a co-founder of the foundation.

“I met a many at the gym one day. I thought he was a poor old guy. And I bought him sneakers and he mentored me and lead me to Christ. And here we are… He was a not a poor old man by any means. He was a huge theologian and traveled the world and built hospitals and stuff like that. We founded his foundation together, because he taught me everything and I’m applying that to other people now.”

The foundation takes a holistic approach to help heal veterans struggling with mental health conditions.

“The Foundation’s goal is to break down barriers that prevent veterans from being able to prioritize their overall health. Foundation approaches each veteran it works with from a holistic point of view addressing all areas that contribute to their overall wellbeing.”

Boots to Health has helped over 150 veterans in South Central Pennsylvania.

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