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Hanukkah Traditions with Aaron Spangler

  • By Marquis Lupton

In this episode of ‘The Spark,’ Aaron Spangler delved into the vibrant traditions surrounding the Hanukkah holiday, offering listeners a glimpse into his family’s cherished customs. Spangler passionately shared insights into the basics of Hanukkah, emphasizing the festival’s significance and the warmth it brings to his household.

Detailing his family’s unique traditions, Spangler spoke eloquently about the festive cuisine that graces their Hanukkah table. From golden latkes sizzling in the pan to sweet sufganiyot filling the air with sweetness, he painted a vivid picture of the culinary delights that accompany the celebrations.

Reflecting on the past and looking towards the future, Spangler discussed the traditions he continues with his own family today. He highlighted the importance of passing down cultural practices, ensuring that each generation contributes to the rich tapestry of their heritage. As candles flicker in menorahs and laughter resonates in his home, Spangler encapsulates the essence of Hanukkah — a time of joy, unity, and the enduring spirit of tradition.”

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