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How many votes have been counted in undecided states

  • By Brian Naylor, Jess Eng and Daniel Wood/NPR

Be patient: Results of the Nov. 3 election in Pennsylvania, and across the country, likely won’t be known for days. Here’s how WITF’s newsroom is covering the process.

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There is a lot we don’t know yet about the results of the election, in large part because there are still so many votes yet to be counted, especially in the swing states that were always likely to determine the outcome this election.

More than 139 million votes have been counted, and The Associated Press is projecting a total vote of nearly 173 million, which would be a record. Among the eight states that have yet to be called, Wisconsin has 95% of its expected vote total counted as of Wednesday morning. Democrat Joe Biden has a narrow lead there. Pennsylvania has the fewest votes counted so far among the key contested states, with 64% counted. President Trump leads there.

Neither state could start processing mail-in votes until Tuesday, and the count is not expected to be complete for a few days.

Michigan, the third of the three so-called blue wall states that Trump won four years ago and that are crucial to Biden’s chances, began counting its mail-in ballots Monday. So far it has counted 95% of the expected ballots, with Biden holding a narrow edge.

Two Sun Belt states that Democrats had hoped to capture, Georgia and North Carolina, each have counted 94% of their votes. Trump retains a narrow lead in each state. Nevada, another key state for Democrats, has 67% counted.

And while Maine has been called for Biden, the state awards an electoral vote to the winner of each of its congressional districts. The 2nd Congressional district, which Trump won four years ago, remains too close to call. Eighty-five percent of Maine’s votes have been counted.

Alaska also remains to be called but is expected to fall in the president’s column.


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