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Trump’s approval rating slumps amid coronavirus fallout

  • By Alana Wise/NPR
President Trump speaks during a Coronavirus Task Force news conference at the White House on Wednesday.

 Bloomberg via Getty Images

President Trump speaks during a Coronavirus Task Force news conference at the White House on Wednesday.

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» Day-by-day look at coronavirus disease cases in Pa.
» What the governor’s stay-at-home order means

The nation’s opinion of President Trump and his handling of the coronavirus pandemic are now on a downward turn, as the economy slumps and the death toll mounts in the virus’s wake.

While Trump enjoyed a short-lived approval ratings bump in March at the onset of the outbreak, an aggregation of recent opinion polls show the public’s approval of his job performance and specific handling of the coronavirus is slipping.

From March 29 to April 8, the number of Americans who disapprove of Trump’s job performance grew by 5.2% , with slightly more than half of those surveyed expressing disapproval of his operation.

When it comes to his grasp of the coronavirus pandemic, more Americans now disapprove 48.9% — than approve — 46.8% — of Trump’s job performance, according to data from March 24 to April 7. That is a 2.1% increase.

The COVID-19 outbreak is a significant test of Trump’s leadership skills and comes in the middle of an election year. Not only does he face re-election, but 435 congressional seats, dozens of Senate spots and several gubernatorial mansions are on the line.

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