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Forest conservation and Presidential candidate Joe Sestak



What to look for on Smart Talk, Monday, July 8, 2019: 

Pennsylvania has more than two million acres of state forest land. The forests provide economic, social and ecological benefits to the state. The state forests are considered a resource for recreation, plant and animal habitats, water and air purification and beauty.

However, forests face challenges to remaining healthy, including development, climate change, invasive species and fire.

At the same time, most forest land is controlled by private property owners.

How forests are conserved, maintained and managed will have a great impact on their future and the health of the ecosystem, plants, animals, waterways and air quality.

Monday’s Smart Talk explores the health of Pennsylvania’s forests and what’s being done to ensure their future.

Appearing on Smart Talk to discuss how individuals and state programs can work to conserve Pennsylvania forests are Cindy Adams Dunn, secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Pennsylvania State Forester Ellen Shultzabarger and Josh Parrish, director of the Nature Conservancy’s Working Woodlands Program.


Ellen Shultzabarger (L), Cindy Adams-Dunn and Josh Parrish

Also, Joe Sestak is the 25th Democrat to announce a 2020 presidential campaign. Sestak said he plans to center his presidential campaign around his experience in the military, combating climate change and countering Russia and China’s global influence.


Sestak was the highest-ranking military officer ever elected to Congress when he represented Pennsylvania’s 7th Congressional District from 2007 to 2011, according to his campaign website.

Sestak joins us on Smart Talk to discuss the issues and his priorities as president.

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