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York County man walking across US is finding the good in people – mostly

James Smith walk across America.JPG

James Smith, 50, climbs his first hill on the trip on Route 30 in Thomasville Monday, heading west across York County, for a trip to span the United States. He is taking this journey, in part, for his kids, to show them that people are good. (Paul Kuehnel/The York Daily Record)

It was somewhere in Ohio when James Smith encountered the young couple at a bar.

Smith, as he has been doing while walking across the country in search of the good in people, talked to them, telling them about his journey, his quest to restore his faith in humanity, and they seemed receptive. In fact, they wanted to help. They wanted to put him up for the night, feed him and talk some more.

They asked him to hang out at the bar, saying they had to run some errands and would be back in an hour. They told him they were heading out to score some weed and coke.

Smith said, OK, have a nice evening and parted ways with them.

“That was about the only real bad experience I’ve had,” Smith said, checking in from Hobart, Ind., not far from Chicago, about 650 miles into his journey across America. “And it wasn’t completely bad. I mean, they were nice and were willing to put me up for the night. But…”

It was a big but.

For the most part, Smith, who

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