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‘Picklenose’ was a shooter in a long-unsolved York riots murder. His own murder is unsolved.


Michael Wright walks away from York County Prison in April 2004 after being sentenced to time-served for his involvement in the 1969 murder of Henry C. Schaad. He said nothing to reporters as he walked to Mount Zion Road and then west on Market Street in the afternoon rain. (Photo: Jason Plotkin, York Daily Record)

(Undated) — It happened in the early morning hours of Nov. 18, 2005. 

The Baltimore Fire Department was dispatched to a fire in an apartment building in the 2100 block of Garrison Boulevard in Charm City’s rough Walbrook neighborhood. 

The fire was in an apartment, centered in one room. When firefighters entered the room, after knocking down the blaze, they made a grisly discovery. 

Two bodies. 

One of them was a 41-year-old woman named Thomasine Evans. The other body belonged to a man who was so badly burned that he lay in the city morgue for weeks before his identity was determined. 

Both had been shot.  

The firefighters called the police department, requesting assistance from homicide. Detectives worked the scene and the case. No arrests were made immediately after.  

The man was eventually identified as Michael E. Wright, better known to his friends and family in his hometown of York as Picklenose. He was 55. 

His murder, and that of Evans, one of 269 homicides reported in the city that year, remains unsolved. 


It is ironic that Wright’s homicide remains unsolved. He had been a witness, and later a suspect, in one of his hometown’s most notorious unsolved homicides, the murder of rookie York City Police Officer Henry Schaad during the city’s race riots in 1969.  

Wright’s claim to fame came on the witness stand and later in the defendant’s dock. In March 2003, he sat on the witness stand, after swearing before God to tell the truth, and told those assembled that he and his brother, Leon F. “Smickel” Wright, and another man, Stephen Freeland, shot at a police armored vehicle on the night of July 18, 1969.  

One of the bullets pierced Big Al, the poorly armored vehicle, and struck York City Police Officer Henry Schaad, a 22-year-old rookie and father of a 5-year-old girl. Schaad died two weeks later. 

The murder went unsolved for three decades. And it was still in doubt when Wright took the witness stand. Then-York County Chief Deputy Prosecutor Bill Graff, now in private practice in York, asked Wright who was firing at the armored vehicle that night. 

“We all were,” was his answer. 

Graff answered, “Excuse me?” 

And Wright repeated, “We all were.” 

Graff was taken by surprise. He had assumed Wright would identify another man as the shooter. Instead, he implicated himself and his brother. Graff has said that he’s tried more than 500 cases in his career, and until that day he’d never experienced what he described as “a Perry Mason moment.” 

“He wasn’t a bad guy,” Graff said. “He was what he was. He was alright. He was a stand-up guy.” 

When he learned about how Wright met his untimely end in Baltimore, Graff said, “It sounds like somebody was pissed off at him.” 



Wright grew up on Hope Avenue, near an old caramel factory in York city. He acquired the nickname Picklenose when he was a kid because, his former sister-in-law said, “his nose looked like a pickle.” 

He was a rolling stone, the kind of guy who didn’t stick around much, people said. Katherine “Kat” Christie, his brother’s ex-wife, described him as “a hoodlum.” Other people who knew him said he was a pretty smart guy who could talk about a wide variety of subjects.  

He didn’t work very steadily during his sporadic stays in York, Christie said. “He’d work when he had to.” After high school, he wasn’t around York a lot. He moved to Baltimore and then back again, and then after staying for a while, he’d light out for other territories.  

He was in York on that July night in 1969, one of a crowd of black men who had congregated at the intersection of West College Avenue and South Penn Street when the armored vehicle containing Schaad rumbled by.  

When the York County District Attorney’s office went looking for him a little more than three decades later to testify before the grand jury investigating Schaad’s death, they found him in New Orleans. Graff recalled that he and two detectives from the DA’s office, both former York City detectives, John Daryman and Rodney George, found him in a homeless shelter in the Crescent City. He recalled they had been visiting shelters, thinking that Wright was staying in one – and at one, as they were leaving they spotted Wright walking through the door. 

Daryman asked, “Picklenose?” 

“Yeah,” he answered. 

“You’re under arrest,” Daryman told him. 

Wright, at that point, hadn’t been charged in the case. He was sought as a witness. After his testimony, he was charged with conspiracy and did 86 days in jail. Freeland was convicted, partly on the weight of Wright’s testimony and was sentenced to nine to 19 years in prison. He died of a blood disorder in October 2005 at the State Correctional Institution in Somerset. Wright’s brother, Leon, was sentenced to four and a half to 10 years in prison, having been convicted of second-degree murder. He died of a stroke in December 2005. 

After the trial, Wright left town.  

He wound up in Baltimore. 


On the streets of Baltimore, the Baltimore Sun reported, he was known as “three-fingered Mike.” The word was he had run afoul of a drug dealer and that, in retribution, the dealer chopped off two of his fingers.  

He lived on the streets mostly, described in the Sun as “a sharp, generous and caring person who nonetheless struggled mightily with drug addiction.” It is believed that he and Evans lived for a while in a homeless encampment in the park next door to the St. Vincent De Paul Catholic Church in downtown Baltimore, just a few blocks west of the Inner Harbor off Fayette Street. 

“This neighborhood used to be good,” said Ronnie Norman, who has worked at Fibus Drug Store, next door to the apartment building, since 1963. “It’s up and down now. It’s better now. New people took it over and cleaned it up.” 

The apartment building has a fairly transient population. One neighbor said the Dumpster is always full of stuff left behind by those moving out. There have been a number of fires in the building over the years, one resulting in part of the building being demolished.  

And at 3:38 a.m. Nov. 18, 2005, that’s where Wright and Evans died. Both had been shot. Wright’s body was doused with gasoline and set afire. 


The investigation remains open, assigned to Baltimore Police Department’s cold case unit – and because of that, the department declined to discuss details of the crime, a routine thing intended to preserve the integrity of the investigation. The city Medical Examiner’s office declined to release details of the autopsy report because the case remains open. 

When asked about Wright’s involvement in the York riots case, detectives acted as if it was the first they had heard about it – calling it a lead, even though it had been reported by the Sun at the time of the homicide.  

Major Christopher Jones, who commands the homicide unit, said, “We don’t want to say much about the crime. It remains an open case.” 


Jeff Kirkland, a former York City school board member and historian for the African-American community in York, knew Wright and his family, growing up in the same neighborhood. They hung out as kids, spending time at one another’s homes. They were just guys from the neighborhood. 

After high school, though, Wright took to wandering. “Some people just take different paths,” Kirkland said. 

That path ended in that transient apartment building in Baltimore. 

Kirkland got in touch with some of Wright’s kin, asking them whether they wanted to talk about him. They declined. They didn’t want any attention drawn to him, preferring to allow his memory to recede, the past remaining in the past. 

This story comes to us through a partnership between WITF and The York Daily Record. 

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