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Analysis: GOP plan would increase health care costs in Pa.


(Harrisburg) — A new analysis puts a finer point on just how much the GOP health care plan could impact Pennsylvania.

Under the Republican proposal, uncompensated care would rise 81 percent in the state, according to the Commonwealth Fund.

Medicaid spending would also be cut by more than 10 percent in that same time period.

The Commonwealth Fund is a nonprofit that advocates for better access, improved quality and greater efficiency in health care.

Hospital and Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania CEO Andy Carter says some hospitals will have to consider either closing departments – like the maternity ward – or shutting down entirely.

“It is as close to confirming the worst possible scenario as I can imagine,” says Carter.

“It’s not fear-mongering to point out the mathematical challenge facing these organizations. That they cannot operate indefinitely while losing money,” he adds.

Carter says under the GOP measure, people with private insurance could face higher costs too.

Hospitals dealing with Medicaid cuts and rising uncompensated care costs could turn to private insurers to help bridge the funding gap.

That could mean higher costs for nearly everyone – such as people who buy on the exchange, and those who get insurance through their employer.

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