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This week could be yet another critical one for health care law


Photo by Ben Allen/WITF

Lynn Keltz, Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Mental Health Consumers’ Association, speaks at a rally to fight against a repeal of the Affordable Care Act.

(Harrisburg) — A group that represents Pennsylvania’s hospitals is keeping pressure on the US Senate as a health care bill is worked on behind closed doors.

The Hospital and Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania says it’s concerned some people are tuning out.

House Republicans passed a bill that the Congressional Budget Office estimates would leave 23 million more Americans without health insurance.

Senate Republicans are working on similar legislation, but if Google searches are any indication, interest among the public has practically flatlined.

Jeff Bechtel, policy director for the Hospital and Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania, says they’re doing all they can.

“Well it’s keeping our finger on the pulse. It’s advocating aggressively with elected officials. It’s educating our members. All of those things. All of the above,” says Bechtel.

Bechtel says any health care bill must at least maintain coverage for all those who have health insurance now.

The implications of this bill for the national economy, for the state economy, for individuals who have benefitted from care, cannot be understated,” he adds.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has said he wants to vote on a health care bill by July 4th, meaning final text would likely have to be written this week.

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