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The impact of “repeal and replace” in Pa.

Two weeks ago, House Republicans unveiled their plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.  The plan reorganizes the Medicaid expansion program for states, shifts premium support from subsidies to tax credits and places penalties on having gaps in coverage.  It has drawn criticism from the right as not doing enough to repeal ‘Obamacare’ and from the left for eviscerating a program Democrats see as successfully providing healthcare access to more Americans.

The Pennsylvania Health Access Network is a regional organization committed to providing affordable health care access to all Pennsylvanians through education, advocacy and legislative lobbying.  PHAN’s assessment of the replacement bill was not positive.

“The latest GOP plan to repeal the ACA would put the health and financial security of low and moderate income Pennsylvanians at risk” said PHAN Executive Director Antoinette Krause.  “It would effectively end Medicaid Expansion by repealing the extra funding Pennsylvania receives to cover hard working families and shift costs onto our state budget. Nearly 1 in 5 Pennsylvanians rely on these programs, 43% are children, and 32% are seniors and individuals with disabilities.”

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Antoinette Kraus – Executive Director, Pennsylvania Health Access Network / Teresa Miller – Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner

Kraus joins us on Smart Talk to parse out PHAN’s analysis of the replacement bill and how the GOP rewrite of the ACA could impact Pennsylvanians.  Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner Teresa Miller also joins the conversation to discuss an column she penned over the weekend outlining the negative impacts of the proposal.

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