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Series Entry: The New Healthcare Paradigm


The Affordable Care Act is just part of the transformation happening in health care. In this series, WITF’s Transforming Health reporter Ben Allen explores the shifts within the health care system, from legalized medical marijuana to meeting the needs of a new generation to, yes, the Affordable Care Act. These stories illustrate how each change has impacted many who use the health care system.



More than 670,000 low-income Pennsylvanians have been able to receive health care coverage through the federal Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion.  Hundreds of thousands of others have purchased insurance on the exchange, with mixed results. The commonwealth is in the top 10 in the country for rate of uninsured. but more than six percent of the population still doesn’t have coverage.  At one free clinic in Harrisburg, nurses tallied 14-thousand visits last year. Transforming Health’s Ben Allen takes a visit to see how faith-based organizations are filling in the gapS

Aired 12/21/16


Polls show health care is one of the most important issues for voters.  During the campaign, President-elect Donald Trump pledged to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, though he’s since vowed to keep the more popular parts of the law. Trump’s victory puts two of his supporters in rural Schuylkill County in a bit of a short-term bind as they decide whether to get health insurance for next year. But, Transforming Health’s Ben Allen reports why Abra and Matt Schultz say they don’t mind.

Aired 12/19/16



Medical marijuana has been legal for a couple of months in Pennsylvania.  But where is the state at this point, and where is it headed? That’s a big question to answer, but Transforming Health’s Ben Allen is going to try.

Aired 09/21/16



Millennials.  Just mentioning the word can make you think of hipster beards and demanding attitudes.  But they’re now the country’s largest generation, and they’re going to need health care as they age too. Transforming Health’s Ben Allen finds that in this new age of competition, health care organizations are going to have to jockey for their business.

Aired 09/12/16

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