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Police Shooting Guidelines / Pennsylvania Without the ACA

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The Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association has announced a 16-point guideline for investigating police-involved shootings.  The recommendations are the first of their kind in the country.  According to the group, they are meant to “standardize investigations,” but also “improve community relations through a transparent and understandable process.”

In recent years, criticism has been mounting of law enforcement agencies investigating shootings by their own officers.  In effort to bolster positive relationships between police and the communities they serve, the association worked with “community groups, police organizations and prosecutors” in developing what they hope to be a guide of uniform standards.

The recommendations include:

–          Using an agency independent of the law enforcement agency being investigated

–          Procedures for securing the integrity of a crime scene

–          Not allowing officers involved in a shooting to corroborate stories prior to an investigation

–          Maintaining confidentiality during an investigation

–          District Attorneys would make decisions about releasing video and audio evidence and making any statements to the media during an investigation

While these guidelines are unenforceable, the authors hope that it will serve as a roadmap for police agencies and prosecutors in establishing acceptable levels of transparency in investigations into officer-related shootings.


David Freed – Cumberland County District Attorney / Ed Marsico – Dauphin County District Attorney

On Monday’s Smart Talk at 9:00am, we will discuss these guidelines as well as issues involving the use of police body-cameras and the release of the names of officers involved in shootings.  Dauphin County District Attorney Ed Marsico and Cumberland County District Attorney Dave Freed will join Smart Talk to talk about these recommendations and how it will improve community policing in Central Pennsylvania and how it could be implemented elsewhere in the country.

Also, Candidate Donald Trump promised to repeal the Affordable Care Act – Obamacare – if he were to be elected president.  Candidate Trump is now President-Elect Trump and 20 million Americans who obtained their healthcare from the ACA Marketplace are wondering where their insurance will come from if the act is repealed.

Transforming Health reporter Ben Allen will join Smart Talk to discuss the impact an Obamacare repeal could have on Pennsylvanians.


Ben Allen – reporter, Transforming Health


on police guidelines:

– Two points:

1) If the DAs are so concerned with defaming people who have been charged with a crime, do they intend to pass legislation making it illegal to release the name of anyone charged with a crime? If not, why not? What makes police officers different, more worthy of protection?

2) Civil rights groups and police organizations all over the country have recommended that body camera footage from police-involved shootings be immediately released to the public after a shooting event. Do the DAs intend to push for policies along those lines?      – Mac, Pittsburgh

–   Sue Martin x-director of Lancaster SPCA was brought up on charges of falsifying numerous dog health certificates.  I was at the trial at District Magistrate’s office, Adam J. Witkonis, 641 Union Street, Lancaster PA.  Sue Martin was found not guilty because of a  Technical glitch…Dog Warden did not bring a copy of Lancaster SPCA’s kennel license!! Judge Witkonis found Sue Martin not guilty.  

This certainly does not help the public have trust in the DA office.  What can be done?  Transparency.                 – Jacqueline


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