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Smart Talk: Chef Desfor’s Thanksgiving show

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What to look for on Smart Talk Monday, November 21, 2016:

Food, football, family, a nap, turkey, a chill in the air, newspapers bursting with holiday advertisements, which pie to eat for dessert, wine, the kids’ table, the aroma of turkey in the oven and thoughts of what you and your family are thankful for and appreciate in life.  These are all images that come to mind when thinking about Thanksgiving.  Take one or two away and Thanksgiving may not be the same.  But if there is one constant with Thanksgiving, it is the food and dinner with family.  Maybe more so than any other holiday.

It’s one of the reasons we always look forward to Chef Donna Marie Desfor’s appearance on Smart Talk just before Thanksgiving.

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Chef Donna Desfor

If you’re the kind of person who plans ahead, Chef Desfor may have an idea for something to add to the Thanksgiving menu.  For those who like to wait until the last minute, she may change the direction your Thanksgiving dinner will be going in.  Or maybe it’s just a dessert or new holiday breakfast Chef Desfor will suggest.

Now That’s A Mouthful–New Podcast Series!

Do you love to cook or bake?  Join us as a recipe tester!  WITF is seeking motivated volunteers to test out new recipes for a new podcast series that we are developing, “Now that’s a Mouthful”.  Your experience testing out recipes may be included as content in this new series.  Sign up today!

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