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Smart Talk: What to do when stopped by the police

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What to look for on Smart Talk Thursday, August 11, 2016:

Rodney King, whose 1991 beating at the hands of several Los Angeles police officers was captured on videotape, famously asked “Can’t we all just get along?” It seemed like a simple question in response to riots in LA after the officers were acquitted of criminal charges.

That happened almost 25 years ago and helped to fuel mistrust between African-Americans and police departments across the country.

Pent up anger and protests have erupted over the past two years after several high-profile violent confrontations between police and members of their communities — many of which were caught on video shot by bystanders.  In some of the incidents, the person who ended up in an altercation with police was being questioned about or suspected of a minor crime or was pulled over in a traffic stop. 

Even though the U.S. Department of Justice reports that about 1.5% of those who come into contact with police have force used or threatened against them, many people — especially blacks and Latinos — believe they’re being profiled and don’t trust police.

That’s why the YWCA of Greater Harrisburg is offering an educational program called “What to do When Stopped by the Police — What We Need to Know So We All Can Get Home Safe.”

Police have contributed to the effort.

It’s the topic of Thursday’s Smart Talk.

Appearing on the program are ; Amanda L. Arbour, Racial Justice Program Coordinator, YWCA Greater Harrisburg; Pat Gadsden, Founder/Director of Life Esteem; Lt. Kelly Wetzel, Harrisburg Police Department; Captain Kristal Turner-Childs, Troup L Commander, PA State Police and Lieutenant Geoffrey Nelson, Heritage Affairs Section Commander, PA State Police.   

What to do when stopped by the police 8.11.16.png

Top Right: Captain Kristal Turner-Childs, Top Left:Lt. Kelly Wetzel, Bottom Right:Pat Gadsden, Bottom Left:Amanda Arbour


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