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Smart Talk: Lyme Disease questions

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What to look for on Smart Talk Wednesday, July 20, 2016:

There are medical conditions and illnesses that have no cure — think many forms of cancer or Alzheimer’s Disease.

But it isn’t often that there is one that is known and has been making hundreds of thousands of people sick for years and we still can’t agree on how to treat it or whether it’s a chronic illness.

However, that’s the case with Lyme Disease.  It is a illness that is difficult to diagnose and not all doctors treat Lyme patients the same way.

There is even a disagreement about how many people are infected from the bite of a deer tick.  The Centers for Disease Control increased their estimates of Lyme Disease tenfold three years ago from 30,000 to 300,000.

What we do know is that Pennsylvania leads the nation in the number of Lyme Disease cases and has for the past several years. 

A state Task Force made recommendations on education, prevention and treatment last year.

We’ll discuss Lyme Disease on Wednesday’s Smart Talk with Dr. Loren Robinson, the Deputy Secretary for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention with the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Eric Huck, co-founder and board member of the Pennsylvania Lyme Resource Network and Dr. Timothy Stonesifer of Shippensburg.


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