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Smart Talk: Clinton-Trump foreign policy?

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What to look for on Smart Talk Wednesday, July 13, 2016:

When George W. Bush ran for president in 2000, most of his campaign focused on domestic issues.  Tax cuts and “compassionate conservatism” were two terms heard most often.  But just nine months into Bush’s first term, there were the 9/11 terrorist attacks and then war with the Taliban in Afghanistan and the invasion of Iraq.

Even though the nation’s economy tanked near the end of the 2008 presidential campaign, campaign promises that attracted voters to Barack Obama included his promises to end the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and bring American troops home.  Eight years later, troops have been removed for the most part, but terrorists have gained strength.

The point is the foreign policy of a president can be influenced and maybe changed by events beyond his or her control.

So while much of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump’s campaign pronouncements have been on domestic issues, America’s place in the world and foreign policy will make up much of their agendas.

What will a Trump or Clinton foreign policy look like?

That’s the topic of conversation on Wednesday’s Smart Talk with Dr. Christopher Dolan, Professor of Politics and Director of Global Studies at Lebanon Valley College and Dr. Nicholas Clark, an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Susquehanna University.

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Dr. Christopher Dolan and Dr. Nicholas Clar

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