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Medical marijuana ‘regulatory-palooza’ in Philadelphia


Photo by AP Photo/David Goldman

(Undated) — Pennsylvania has a medical marijuana law, but it doesn’t have a full program just yet.

As the state Department of Health begins to develop temporary regulations, stakeholders are holding a conference to make sure their voices are heard.

Vocal advocate and co-sponsor of Pennsylvania’s medical marijuana legislation, Democratic state Senator Daylin Leach is hosting what he calls a “regulatory-palooza” in Philadelphia today.

He expects 300 attendees from 14 states, including members of the Campaign for Compassion.

Christine Brann is the mother of a five-year old-son diagnosed with epilepsy, one of the state’s approved conditions for treatment with medical marijuana.

“Everything rides on this program for our family, so, I’m extremely invested in this and want this to be a great program and a model program for other states who haven’t passed this law yet,” she said.

Brann is hoping the Health Department will ultimately set regulations to ensure patients have easy access to dispensaries and possibly expand the types of medical marijuana available to patients.

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