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Smart Talk: Presidential transition underway already; Restaurant inspections

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What to look for on Smart Talk Tuesday, May 10, 2016:

Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton will probably be the next President of the United States.  The new president won’t take office until next January, but already plans are in the works for the transition from the Obama Administration to the new president.  Actually, the process has begun with the help of a new organization called the Center for Presidential Transition.

Why start so soon?  The quick answer is to ensure a smooth transition at a very dangerous time in the world.

The peaceful transition from one administration to another is one of the unique characteristics of the United States.  They haven’t always been without problems but President Obama has made it a priority.  Obama has given the previous administration of George W. Bush credit for helping with his transition.  Bush wanted to make sure the new president would be prepared in case of a natural disaster or terrorist attack.

The Director of the new Center for Presidential Transition David Eagles joins us on Tuesday’s Smart Talk.

Do you have a favorite restaurant?  Or are you someone who likes to visit and sample a lot of eating establishments?  You no doubt base your opinion of a restaurant on the food it serves, the service, and maybe the atmosphere. 

But do you know whether those restaurants are clean and are meeting state health and safety standards?  According to an investigative report in the York Daily Record, it’s not that easy to find out if a restaurant is out of compliance or has violations.

Brett Sholtis, business reporter for the York Daily Record, is on Tuesday’s program to discuss their findings.

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