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Health Secretary asks regulators to back off emphasis on pain


(Harrisburg) — There’s a long list of potential solutions to the opioid crisis, and now the state is taking on how health professionals manage pain.

Health Secretary, Dr.Karen Murphy, says she’s signing a letter with other states, health care groups, and advocacy organizations urging two major groups to back off the emphasis on eliminating pain.

“We understand that people have severe illnesses and terminal illnesses that require opioids. We are looking at curbing the use of prescription opioids in cases that do not really require that strength of pain management,” says Murphy.

The federal government evaluates hospitals based on how well patients assess their work at ending pain.

The letter asks the feds to remove questions about pain management.

“The reason for the letter to the Joint Commission is to ask them to reconsider their standard on pain management. And the letter to CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) is to request that they remove the pain scoring from their hospital compare review,” says Murphy.

Some have pointed to such questioning as an incentive for the hospital to eliminate pain with powerful opioids, which can lead to an addiction later.

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