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Court releases the porn e-mails Kane wanted public


Photo by Associated Press

The state Supreme Court has unsealed a trove of documents that show as early as last November Attorney General Kathleen Kane was claiming that the investigation into her stemmed from her efforts to release pornographic and insensitive e-mails exchanged by her critics. The documents unsealed by the high court Wednesday show that Kane made multiple appeals to quash the investigation into her, saying it was “trigged” by two critics and former prosecutors in her office: Frank Fina and Marc Costanzo. The court also unsealed a selection of the pornographic e-mails Kane’s office uncovered, revealing for Fina and Costanzo among the messages senders and recipients. Both now work for Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams, whose office has not responded to requests for comment. In one filing, Kane asserted that Fina and Costanzo “corruptly manufactured” the grand jury investigation into her when her office unearthed pornographic and sophomoric e-mails. In another filing, Kane said they are trying to “manipulate and exploit” the investigation into her. Kane faces several criminal charges for allegedly leaking investigative material to embarrass her critics – namely, Fina and Costanzo. She says she’ll fight the charges, and claims they stem from her efforts to release inappropriate office e-mails. Kane has not explained how the e-mails invalidate the criminal case against her that she broke grand jury secrecy rules and lied about it under oath. The e-mails released were exchanged by Fina and Costanzo along with dozens of others, including current and former employees of the Office of Attorney General (OAG). The messages contain graphic sexual images, racially-charged jokes, jibes at obese people, and dismissive comments about women. At least one e-mail appears to mix business with pleasure. OAG special agent Robert Gift responds to Frank Fina’s message containing photos of busty tennis athletes. Gift writes: “are you going to be available tomorrow while I interview ADA Shaffer and possibly the DA about this Judge Pratt thing (just in case they have any questions)?” Fina responds: “Yes, call my bberry. I will be with the PSP on a murder case.”Kane’s office spokesman Chuck Ardo said there are additional pornographic e-mails and “attendant materials” Kane would like to release that are “part of her defense.”

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