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Timeline of the gathering Kane-storm


Photo by Associated Press

State Attorney General Kathleen Kane has been charged with perjury and other offenses stemming from an alleged scheme to exact revenge on her critics. Kane says the present case against her goes back to porn e-mails exchanged by her detractors that she wants to make public. How did we get here?

State House Sound Bites is compiling a timeline of the events leading to this point.

See any gaps? Contact reporter Mary Wilson:

2012 – A Campaign Pledge

July 19, 2012
Kane, running for state attorney general, says she’ll reopen the investigation of the Jerry Sandusky child sex abuse scandal, voicing her suspicion that it was slowed for political reasons. Source.
November 6, 2012
Kane is elected state attorney general, scoring more Pennsylvania votes than any other name on the ballot.

2013 – Setting Up Shop

January 11, 2013
Frank Fina, a lead prosecutor on the Sandusky case, confirms that he is leaving the Office of Attorney General (OAG) for a job with Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams. Source
February 4, 2013
Kane hires former federal prosecutor to lead review of Sandusky case. Source.
March 5, 2013
The Legal Intelligencer reports anonymous state prosecutors are angry Kane is reopening the Sandusky investigation: “some are prepared to go public if the review’s findings are overly critical of their work or inaccurate.” Source

2014 — Leaks Upon Leaks

February 5, 2014
Kane says review of Sandusky investigation will include recovery of OAG e-mails that had been deleted. Source

March 16, 2014
The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that Kane shut down a sting of legislators and a state traffic court judge. Source. Later, a grand jury investigating Kane found that she e-mailed a media strategist about the article, saying, “This is war.” Source: affidavit of charges against Kane. 
March 17, 2014
Kane holds press conference defending decision to shut down sting case, saying it was flawed and racially tinged. Source
May 29, 2014
Montgomery County Judge William Carpenter appoints special prosecutor, Thomas Carluccio, to investigate a breach of grand jury secrecy. The case (Notice #123) is assigned to the 35th Statewide Investigating Grand Jury. Source.
June 6, 2014
Philadelphia Daily News reports on shuttered grand jury case and OAG investigation into Philadelphia NAACP director. The 35th Statewide Investigating Grand Jury, Notice #123, later alleges that Kane arranged for the case details to be leaked to the newspaper. Source
June 23, 2014
Kane releases her office’s review of the Jerry Sandusky investigation. The review found no evidence that the prosecution of the convicted child molester was dragged out for political reasons. Kane said a delay in the case allowed Sandusky to prey on two additional victims. The claim was retracted by her office. Prosecutors visit state Capitol reporters to refute Kane’s claims. Source
July 29, 2014
A statewide investigating grand jury begins to receive evidence in its investigation of Kane and an alleged breach of grand jury secrecy rules. Evidence is collected until January 15, 2015. Source: affidavit of charges against Kane.
August 27, 2014
Montgomery County Judge William Carpenter issues protective order regarding grand jury investigating Kane. According to county prosecutors, the order is meant to address, “among other issues,” the alleged “intimidation” of witnesses before the grand jury by employees of the OAG. Source: affidavit of charges against Kane.
August 28, 2014
Frank Fina asks a grand jury judge, Norman Krumenacker, to block the release of OAG e-mails. Krumenacker supervises the grand jury that was tasked with the Sandusky case. Source.
September 19, 2014
Judge Krumenacker lifts the order blocking the release of Office of Attorney General e-mails, over the objections of Fina. Source.
September 25, 2014
Kane shows the press lewd e-mails of current and former Office of Attorney General employees in response to media Right-to-Know requests. Eight state officials are named, all linked to Republican Governor Tom Corbett. Source.
September 28, 2014
Corbett and state Supreme Court Chief Justice Ron Castille ask Kane to provide more names and details of lewd e-mail exchange. Source.
November 13, 2014
Kane fires and disciplines (but does not name) additional employees of her office for their participation in the raunchy e-mail chains. Source.
November 17, 2014
Kane testifies before Judge William Carpenter and the grand jury investigating her. Source: affidavit of charges against Kane.

2015 — Threat of Indictment

January 15, 2015
Grand jury investigating Kane finishes collecting evidence. Source: affidavit of charges against Kane.
April 28, 2015
Montgomery County Judge William Carpenter refers grand jury investigation to District Attorney Risa Vetri Ferman for further action. Source.
April 29, 2015
The findings of the 35th Statewide Investigating Grand Jury, Notice #123 are made public. The panel concluded that Kane leaked secret investigative material to get back at a critic, reports the Philadelphia Inquirer. Source.
August 6, 2015
Kane is charged by Montgomery County district attorney’s office with perjury, criminal conspiracy, and other offenses. Governor Tom Wolf calls for Kane’s resignation. Kane maintains her innocence and says she will fight the charges without stepping down. Source.
August 11, 2015
Citizen complaint is filed with the Supreme Court Disciplinary Board, urging for Kane’s law license to be suspended. The attorney general cannot serve without a law license. Though this complaint was publicized, most complaints are made in secret, and the board’s proceedings are confidential until a final determination is made. Source.
August 12, 2015
Kane responds to criminal charges with a prepared statement, saying they are part of a “grand plan” by her critics to quash her attempt to release pornographic e-mails exchanged by prosecutors and judges. Kane’s office recovered the messages during the review of the Sandusky investigation. Source.
August 18, 2015

Supreme Court unseals two orders showing Kane could have released pornographic e-mails as early as last December. Kane’s lawyer says e-mails may be disclosed in the course of Kane’s criminal defense. Source.

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Kane speaks: "a story that begins with pornography"