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Dauphin County borough considering leasing electrical system


(Middletown) — Middletown, Dauphin County has already leased its water and sewer system, and is now considering the same move with another utility. Some see it as a money-maker, while others aren’t so sure it’s needed.

Council members are just starting to analyze whether a lease of the borough’s electrical system makes sense.

Advocates, like Councilman Mike Bowman, say it’s a win-win, because Middletown would save money on operations and receive lease payments.

“We have to be more cost conscious of the expenses that we incur running an electric department. Of course that would stop. We’d have no billing,” says Bowman.

Bowman is confident the private operator would be just as quick to respond to emergencies.

“Everything’s mapped. They’d all be able to tell by a certain area where the electric’s off, what transformers and what fuses are operating in that area. That’s the same way we do it now, and the same way they did it,” he says.

He adds if a lease is approved, it could be at least a year for the new company to take over.

The private operator would collect payments, but Borough Council would control rates.

Critics of leasing the electrical system say the borough doesn’t need the money because it isn’t facing any major expenses.

United Water and a New York investment company already lease Middletown’s water and sewer systems.

The 50-year deal was signed last September.

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