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Smart Talk: Union of Concerned Scientists president on climate change, energy

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What to look for on Smart Talk Monday, April 6, 2015:

The Union of Concerned Scientists was at the forefront of debate about nuclear power in the years after the Three Mile Island accident in 1979.  As a result, UCS scientists and members could often be seen in Central Pennsylvania, wrote about TMI, or offered opinions.

The safety or viability of nuclear power is just one cause the organization works on today.  They’re more than likely to be addressing climate change and broader energy issues.  That includes promoting the benefits of further development of renewable energy sources.

Those are two of the topics we’ll discuss on Monday’s Smart Talk with Kenneth Kimmel, the president of the Union of Concerned Scientists.

We’ll also be joined by Rob Altenburg, director of PennFuture’s Energy Center who can talk about Pennsylvania specifically.

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Rob Altenburg and Ken Kimmell

Among the topics we’ll address is new clean energy rules from the federal government that require Pennsylvania to reduce emissions by 32% by the year 2030.

And what about nuclear — is it a cleaner alternative?

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