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Smart Talk: Child abuse clearances, baby eagles, TV for the sight impaired, Capitol Week

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What to look for on Smart Talk Friday, March 27, 2015:

A new series of laws designed to protect children in Pennsylvania went into effect December 31st.  Under the new laws, almost everyone who comes into contact with children through their jobs or as a volunteer is required to be trained or go through background checks.  The Childline, as it’s called, also is set up to take more reports of suspected abuse.  However, Childline ran into some problems in its early weeks. 

On Friday’s Smart Talk, we discuss the efforts to reduce the processing time for child abuse clearances and to increase the capacity of ChildLine with Pennsylvania’s Acting Deputy Secretary for Children, Youth, and Families Cathy Utz Human Services, Ted Dallas.

Travis Lau, a spokesman for the PA Game Commission appears on the program to discuss the two newborn eaglets near Codorus State Park in York County that have captured the world’s attention.  The online live video stream has attracted over 643,000 viewers from more than 140 countries.

Also, WITF’s Capitol Bureau Chief Mary Wilson updates the controversy surrounding Governor Tom Wolf’s nomination of Marcus Brown for Police Commissioner.

Finally, Tom Wlodkowski, Vice President of Audience at Comcast joins us to discuss Comcast’s new initiative, the X1 Talking Guide. This new talking guide was popularized with the “Emily’s Oz” commercials that aired during the Academy Awards broadcast and seeks increase access to Comcast services to people with sight disabilities.

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