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Smart Talk: School counselors observations on educations and college

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What to look for on Smart Talk Monday, March 23, 2015:

In most discussions of education in the school setting, the focus is on teachers and maybe principals.  We don’t often hear about others involved in educating young people.

School counselors for example.  The days of students visiting the guidance office only when they’re planning to apply to college are over.  Today’s counselors perform many tasks that can put them in daily contact with students.

So what do counselors do and why are their duties important in the education experience?

On Monday’s Smart Talk, we’ll hear from several school counselors about today’s education, the challenges they face, the changes they’ve observed, what works and what can be improved.

Appearing on the program are: 

Dr. Eric Bierker, School Counselor, Northeastern High School

Lisa Fulton, Incoming president of Pennsylvania School Counseling Association, School Counselor Elco Middle School

Emilia Peiffer, President, Pennsylvania School Counseling Association, East Allegheny High School

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Eric Bierker and Lisa Fulton

For more information on Dr. Bierker’s book (mentioned on air) click here.

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