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Smart Talk: Are we safer than we think?; Home rule for Carlisle?

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What to look for on Smart Talk Thursday, March 19, 2015:

The terrorist group ISIS is the most serious foreign threat America has faced in decades, it seems there is violence or war all over the world, and crime is exploding here at home.  Watch TV news for a few minutes each day and that’s the conclusion one must come away with.

It must be true because we hear our political leaders say the world is a much more dangerous place.  

But is it really?

Not according to Jonathan Rauch, a contributing editor for The Atlantic and Nati9onal Journal and author of the article “Be Not Afraid” in The Atlantic.  Rauch appears on Thursday’s Smart Talk to say we have never been safer.

In 1992, the Borough of Carlisle attempted and failed – by 22 votes – to implement a Home Rule charter. Now, after 18 months of study and over 50 public meetings, they’re trying again. The residents of Carlisle will have the opportunity to vote on the shape of their future government this May.

Since the implementation of the Home Rule Charter Law in 1972, Pennsylvania has had seven counties, 19 boroughs and 27 townships vote to establish a home rule charter in their communities.

Home rule charters are a way of decentralizing and allocating more power to local governments. Instead of acting only when authorized by state law, home rule municipalities can act anywhere except where they are specifically limited by state law.

Joining us Thursday on Smart Talk is Ken Womack, a member on the Government Study Commission of the Carlisle Borough to discuss what the referendum will mean for Carlisle.

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Ken Womack

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