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Smart Talk: Gov. Tom Wolf makes first radio talk show appearance


What to look for on Smart Talk Wednesday, March 11, 2015:

When Tom Wolf ran for governor of Pennsylvania he promised to be a “different kind of governor.”

Since Wolf’s early campaign TV commercials established the candidate as a jeep-driving, non-politician, regular guy, many assumed different kind of governor meant folksy and non-traditional.

While Gov. Wolf is not a loud, forceful type — like say New Jersey’s Chris Christie — the actions he has taken during his first seven weeks in office have been described as aggressive as any modern Pennsylvania governor.

Wolf scrapped his predecessor’s “Healthy PA” health insurance plan and decided to expand Medicaid to cover the uninsured, said he wouldn’t sign death warrants for convicted murderers which amounts to a moratorium on the death penalty because he said Pennsylvania’s death penalty is unfair and unjust, and ordered a ban on gifts to the executive branch of government.

But the biggest move came last week when the governor proposed a $29.9 billion budget that Republicans say is actually is a budget of more than $33 billion.  The proposal calls for a 50% cut in school property taxes and in the state’s corporate net income tax, but increases in the state income tax, sales tax that is expanded to include more products and services, and taxes on natural gas drillers.

Gov. Tom Wolf appears on Wednesday’s Smart Talk to explain.

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