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Smart Talk: Housing — low-income, elderly, disabled, blighted properties

What to look for on Smart Talk Wednesday, March 6, 2014:

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The cold, snowy and seemingly never-ending winter is a good reminder of one of the basic human needs — shelter.

Housing is easy to take for granted unless it is difficult to find. For many low-income, older, or disabled Pennsylvanians, finding a place to live can be a challenge. Since the Great Recession began six years ago and even with a tepid economic recovery, there are thousands of people and families that can’t find a house or apartment they can afford.

Liz Hersh, the Executive Director of the Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania appears on Wednesday’s Smart Talk to describe the situation and what actions are being taken and the programs that exist to help.

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Liz Hersh, Executive Director, Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania

One that is being explored is expanding the state’s Housing Trust Fund, which was set up several years ago to attack blighted properties, keep older people in their homes, and help those with low incomes from becoming homeless. Many say the trust fund hasn’t had much of an impact because there isn’t enough money in it.

Targeting blighted properties and negligent property owners have become a priority of the Alliance.

Late last year, the Pennsylvania House formed a homelessness caucus. Has it helped?

We’ll examine all those issues on Wednesday’s program.

Listen to the program:


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