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RST: PA Says NO MORE to domestic violence and sexual assault campaign

What to look for on Radio Smart Talk, Monday, September 16, 2013:

domestic violence 300 x 170.jpg

You may seeing a distinctive teal-colored Zero around Pennsylvania. It symbolizes no more tolerance for domestic violence and sexual assault.

The Zero is the logo for the PA Says NO MORE to domestic violence and sexual assault campaign. According to the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape, both crimes “remain largely hidden problems on the margins of public concern despite the fact that they affect millions of Americans.”

Think about these statistics:

  • One in four women will experience violence from their partners in their lifetimes
  • One in six women are survivors of sexual assault
  • One in four women and one in six men were sexually abused before the age of 18

Appearing on Monday’s Radio Smart Talk to discuss the PA Says NO MORE campaign are Peg Dierkers, Executive Director, Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Kristen Houser, Vice President of Communications, Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape, and Rick Azzaro, Chief Services Officer for Victim Services Access- York/Victims Assistance Center, programs of the YWCA York.

Listen to the show:



Peg Dierkers, Rick Azzaro and Kristen Houser

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