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RST: ACLU challenges PA’s same sex marriage law; PA Family Institute supports law

Radio Smart Talk for Wednesday, July 10:

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Last month the U.S. Supreme Court struck down part of the federal Defense of Marriage Act and ruled California’s Proposition Eight law that banned same sex marriage was unconstitutional. Neither ruling had a direct impact on Pennsylvania, which has a law that defines marriage as only between a man and a woman.

The American Civil Liberties Union on Tuesday filed a federal lawsuit seeking to overturn Pennsylvania’s law and also force the state to recognize the marriages of same sex couples who were wed in states where it is legal.

On Wednesday’s Radio Smart Talk, a representative of the ACLU will appear to provide details of their suit and what they’re seeking.

Michael Geer, president of the Pennsylvania Family Institute will also be on the program to explain why his group believes the law should be upheld and discuss their opposition to same sex marriage.

The latest polls in Pennsylvania have shown a slight majority of those who were surveyed support same sex marriage.

What do you think? Should Pennsylvania’s Defense of Marriage law be upheld or do you support the ACLU suit?



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