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Radio Smart Talk: Obama’s second term

Radio Smart Talk for Monday, January 21:

obama in philly March 2008 witf photo 300 x170.jpg

President Barack Obama will be inaugurated for a second term in office Monday.

Radio Smart Talk begins witf‘s coverage of the Inauguration by focusing on what to expect in the next four years from the president and his Administration.

Political Science professors Dr. Shirley Anne Warshaw of Gettysburg College and Dr. Jim Hoefler of Dickinson College will join us to look ahead to Obama’s second term.

We also would to like to hear from you. What do you want to see the president accomplish between now and 2017?

NPR and witf‘s Public Insight Network have been soliciting responses for the past week. Here are just a few examples:

“This is a second term. There is nothing to lose. I have an impression that you are still too cautious. Be more courageous even bold.”

“The time to act is now. Your administration has put off climate action for way too long, and the climate cliff is so much more important to my son’s future than the fiscal cliff. Please act with haste to stop global warming, and commit the US to substantial cuts in greenhouse gases that are so dangerous for our planet.”

“I am a working parent, with three children. I am an average, middle class family. I pay my mortgage on time, and save for my children’s college education. But, I am confused as to why you keep raising taxes, and squeezing the middle class.”

Comment below or call us between 9 and 10 a.m. Monday to explain what you would like to see in the president’s second term.

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